MAM V1.09uc (March 1994) =========== Whats new/fixed --------------- 1. A problem with SCSI ROM/RAM detection was fixed. 2. The default display will no longer show adjacent blocks if they have the same owner set in the MCB. 3. MAM will no longer mark memory usage as suspect (with ?) when main memory has been extented into segment A000h even when the graphics video frame exists at A000h. 4. MAM will now correctly handle the DOS Kernel when it has been moved into high memory (as QEMM 7, et al. does). 5. MAM will handle the system BIOS reporting better under MS-DOS 6.x. MAM V1.09ua (October 1993) =========== Whats new/fixed --------------- 1. Fixed error in reporting size of some large (> 64Kb) device drivers in CONFIG.SYS MCB. 2. MAM will now recognize and report when main memory has been extented above 640Kb even when the graphics video frame exists at segment A000h. 3. Fixed error with reporting too many active XMM handles under Windows when EMM386 is the memory manager. 4. Some small changes to reporting text to improve clarity.